

Why is your religion called Vaishnavism when you don't pray to Visnu at all? Krishnaism or so would be better name. I mean why call something "watching TV" when you…


LOL. Ok, to your example. You can watch TV also on the PC…put you cannot make the same work on the TV as you would do on PC…So, TV is already included in PC. Ok? So, Vishnu is already included in Krishna, but Krishna is not included in Vishnu. Thus, when we pray to Krishna, we automatically pray also to Vishnu, and we are vaishnavas. And why we do not call it Krishanism? It is just the matter of tradition and terminology. The uppermost aspect of spiritual excelence is the worship of Sri Krishna in His original form. But the whole cake is called vishnuism or vaishnavism, and the cherry on the top is Krishnaism. Ok? But there is not need to call the whole cake Cherry cake, when there is only one cherry. 😉

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